Thursday, February 26, 2015

Mission: The Most Epic Running Playlist. EVER.


So for the last week I've been sick with that horrible thing that's been going around. Sweaty and shivery, nauseous, headachey and just plain miserable to be around. I don't even want to eat. No, seriously. And those of you who know me know that eating is one of my favourite things. THAT'S how sick I am.

And as anyone who knows me will attest, I am the worst patient in the world. I hate being sick. HATE. IT. Being forced to sit and "relax" (ew.) and not being allowed to move around because my body simply can't handle it is as frustrating as everything on this list. COMBINED.

So, in order to keep my mind busy while my body betrays me, I have decided to create the world's most epic running playlist, and I would like your help.

When I say running, I mean RUNNING. I don't mean basketball warmup or crossfit music. These are totally different genres, and if you participate in any of them, you totally know what I mean. So, dear readers, I would like you to tell me what songs motivate you to strap on your running shoes and brave the elements for a run. What keeps you going when every muscle in your body is screaming for you to stop and go home and eat a block of cheese? ('Cause I know it's not just me who has that).

You can email me, tweet me or facebook me with your submissions.

Disclaimer: this is a judgement-free zone! I don't care what kind of music gets you going. I just want to know what works. To show what I'll mean, I will post some of my more eclectic choices and we can add to them. 

Here we go:

The Most Epic Running Playlist. EVER.
(in no particular order)

1. Sabotage - Beastie Boys
2. Heavy Cross - Gossip
3. Standing Outside the Fire - Garth Brooks
4. F*cking in the Bushes - Oasis
5. Here Comes the Hotstepper - Ini Kamoze
6. Blood of Heroes - Týr

To be continued... your turn!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

So, What's Your Excuse?

Since landing a desk job where I am basically sat 9 hours a day straight, the exception being the occasional coffee or bathroom break, I have struggled to “find time” to get back into running. As such, I’ve made a New Year’s resolution to be more active and to MAKE TIME. Anyone who has survived a Swiss winter will know that running before or after work is essentially out of the question (-12° Celsius/ 10° Fahrenheit  in pitch darkness), so I’ve started running during my lunch breaks at work at least two days a week. And actually so far, it’s been alright!

I get a break from the monotony of my day-to-day, take in the fresh, crisp mountain air, and get to see things like this en route:

But there are still days where I just don’t wanna go. It’s too cold, I’m too tired, my legs are sore, the office is too busy. And unfortunately, about 70% of the time these excuses work and I end up staying in the comfort of my glass box, watching the outside world from behind a computer monitor. And to be honest, sometimes I’m ok with that. I convince myself that my excuses are valid and I’m making “the right decision” by staying inside.

Then I saw this remarkable story about a young girl called Kayla Montgomery. Get your tissues ready:

After seeing this incredible girl fight through her disease just so she can run – just so she can feel alive and make the most of her legs while she can still use them, it kinda puts things into perspective. Suddenly my sore legs don’t seem all that sore, and my tired body doesn’t seem all that tired.

So, what are you doing over this lunch break?