Wednesday, August 7, 2013

STOP: Taper Time

Ok so some of my readers have informed me that my last post turned me into a bit of a Debbie Downer, so here's a new post with good news: I'M TAPERING!

"Tapering" refers to reducing your exercise and training in the days leading up to an important competition. Typically, an athlete will taper following their hardest work out. In my case, I did my longest run so far in the course of my training, 17 kilometers, on Sunday - injuring my foot in the process. Yesterday I did a great 6.5 kilometers (in 33 minutes, my fastest yet). I have now decided to quit while I'm ahead and start tapering today, 4 days before my first competition, the Glacier 3000 Run.

I will still do my yoga each morning, but instead of running I'll be cycling and swimming to get in my exercise. My main aim is to rest Madam Foot in the hopes that by Saturday morning, she will be healed and ready to rock that glacier. Let's face it, no work I will do in the next 4 days will better prepare me for what's to come, so I may as well take it easy and let my foot heal as much as possible in the lead up to the race, right? Right.

Like the old adage goes: "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then sit back, relax and sip that lemonade while it lasts before you have to run 26k up a glacier and sweat it all out".

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