Saturday, May 18, 2013

75 Minute Run

Part of my training included running for 75 minutes straight - at an easy pace - just to make sure I can do it. So once again I ate my oats and stretched it out for my long run.

I took a route through the woods and when I came out the other side, ended up in a town called "Watt", which is pretty appropriate considering that's exactly what I said when I got there.

I was completely lost and hadn't a clue where I ended up, but I just decided to continue running along the only road I could find in the hopes I would end up somewhere familiar. Up a few massive hills, through some more woods and fields and I found an elderly man who, it seemed, was trying to race me up a hill on his mountain bike. We got to the top and he gave me a high five, which was adorable. I asked him, in awful German, where my town "Oberhasli" was. He didn't know. That's when I knew I was really far from home.
My view when I exited the woods. That's Watt to the right. Not to be confused with "the way home".
I asked about a few of the neighboring towns around us, and one he did recognize - apparently it was on the other side of a large, wooded hill in front of us. How do I take a casual, flat running path through the woods and end up on the other side of a mountain? I didn't really have time to figure it out, as I was still on my 75 minute run, so I took a deep breath and headed up the hill, back towards my beloved Oberhasli.

The path home - there are worse ways to travel.
After all that adventure, I ended up running 85 minutes. I was super happy with myself that I was able to do it nonstop, except for the minute or two where I had to ask for directions.


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