Friday, July 26, 2013

Runner's Lament

This morning I woke up, begrudgingly turned off my alarm and realized I'm tired. Like, really really tired. Not just physically, but also mentally and a bit emotionally. Sure, my transformation has been pretty incredible, but it took a lot of work to get here. A lot. And perhaps now it's all starting to catch up with me.

It's my first summer in Zurich - this place is amazing in the summer. And I'm starting to feel like I'm missing out on a lot. This is my Runner's Lament:
  1. I want to wear flip-flops, damnit! I'm tired of wearing shoes in a heat wave because it keeps my plantar fasciitis from flaring up.
  2. I want to sleep in instead of going for 7 am hill intervals because it's the only time I can fit them in around work.
  3. On weekends I want to go to the lake with my friends, eat over/under cooked BBQ meat and drink beer, not stay behind for 14k runs up hills.
  4. I want to sit on my couch and eat an entire box of cereal in one sitting whilst watching Game of Thrones. And not feel guilty about it after.
  5. After work, when all the guys have a beer and relax, I want to be able to join them.
  6. I want to get out of bed and not be limping.
  7. If I see another ice bath, I swear someone (else) will get hurt.
  8. I want to eat what I want, when I want.
  9. I want to drink what I want, when I want.
  10. I want to sleep how long I want, when I want.
Now that I got that out of my system, here are a few things that have been pretty awesome about my training:

  1. I can run more than 5 minutes at a time now.
  2. I like being able to think, "I wonder what's over that hill?" and just run and find out.
  3. I love that I know what kind of running I love (trail running) and what kind I hate (road running).
  4. I love that people are asking me for fitness advice, and I can help them.
  5. I love that people from all over the world are saying that they've been inspired to get in shape.
  6. I love the tan I have from all this outdoor activity.
  7. I love that a 2-time Olympic runner said I had "excellent running technique".
  8. I love that when I sweat, it's because I've just run really far and not because I've just taken the stairs.
  9. I love that when I get tired from running, all I need to do is smile and I feel more energized.
  10. I love that hills don't intimidate me like they used to.
  11. I love that I've become super sporty and outdoorsie now.
  12. I love that when I see other people running, I pay attention to their technique.
  13. I love that I've lost 12.5 kilos/over 27 pounds. To put that into perspective, it's 2 and a half of these:

(For a better idea, when you next go to your local supermarket, pick up a 5 kilo bag of potatoes. Then pick up another. Then, take a third, empty half of it and pick that up, too. Then, run like hell before they call security.)

Yes, that's what I was carrying around my midsection for all those years. No wonder I couldn't run very far with all that sloshing around.

So I guess when I put it into perspective, the pros of all this training have outweighed the cons. I'm working on getting out of my "trainer's fatigue" (yes, that's a thing) and getting the motivation I once had back in time for the marathon in September.

If all of this wasn't motivating enough, just think of the kick ass facebook profile picture I'll have when I finish the marathon.

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